SP Insolvency

Personal Debt Relief For An Individual

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  3. High Net-Worth Individual With Unsecured Debts

Personal Debt Relief For An Individual

Anne is 60 years old. She is divorced and her children are grown up. Anne has a car and rents a unit. Anne has accumulated a number of credit card and personal loan debts that have become unmanageable as she lost her job last year at the supermarket. Anne is very stressed. She has tried hardship applications but they only gave her temporary relief. Anne needs a permanent solution to her debt problems. She consults with a debt counsellor who suggests that she file for bankruptcy. However, the debt counsellor is not able to answer all her questions such as what happens in bankruptcy if she gets another job and what will happen to her car. And so she rings Sam the Trustee who assures her that bankruptcy will not affect her job prospects and she will not lose her car if she files for bankruptcy. Anne is relieved and so files for bankruptcy.