SP Insolvency

Business Owner Facing Losing House

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Business Owner Facing Losing House

Not every business owner wears a suit and tie. Tony is a 35 year old licensed plumber who hires two apprentices. Tony is married with two children. He owns a house with his wife where they live. Tony’s share of the equity in the house is $15,000. Tony has a large debt from losing a court case that he cannot pay. Tony is afraid to go bankrupt as he does not want to lose his home. Nor does he want to lose the ute and tools he uses for work. But Tony musters up the courage to talk to Sam the Trustee. Tony learns that his ute and tools are “below the threshold” meaning that he can keep them. As for the house, Tony learns that Sam is prepared to allow him and his wife to pay $15,000 by installments into the bankrupt estate. There will also be some interest to pay but Tony and his wife are happy that they can save their home.